Leisure Travelers RV Club

About Leisure Travelers RV Club

The Executive Committee at Leisure Travelers RV Club assists with keeping our members together as a close knit family. 

They continue exploring new areas of travel and visiting.  They also help keep the club in pursuit of growth and service to our communities.   The Committee keeps our growing relationships with friends we meet on the road and travel destinations.  

The leadership of our Committee strives to achieve excellence for the club with safety, fun, happiness, entertaining, spiritual bonding and learning during each journey.

Floyd Grant, President

Current  Officers:                                           

President: Floyd Grant

Vice President: Linda Herbert

Treasurer: Hyacinth Jones

Secretary: Saundra Scott

Financial Secretary: Shirley Mattox

Chaplin: Open Position

News Letter: Open Position

Leisure Travelers RV Club Established in 1980

Previous Executive Board Officers